Saturday, November 26, 2011

Musical Shakespeare

For your musically-talented learners, Rufus Wainwright's beautifully sung sonnets are a rare treat. Even as an added touch to your study of the sonnets, Wainwright's "sonnet songs" bring the poetry to life. Listening to these sonnet songs can prompt discussions about rhythym, music, rhymes, and beat.

Younger children can easily be exposed to these ballads, singing out Shakespearean phrases well before they can carry their Complete Works of Shakespeare text. You can also purchase the CD When Loves Speaks, which includes readings by such actors as Alan Rickman, John Hurt, Kenneth Branagh, and more, as well as musical interpretations by Rufus Wainwright, Annie Lennox, and more. It's easy to pop this CD in the car and listen while running errands, or listen at home during chores or dinnertime. Weaving Shakespearean readings and songs into our lives is a gentle way of exposing our children to Shakespeare.

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