Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sonnet Comparisons

Not only can deciphering Shakespeare's sonnets be difficult, but the individual readings can also morph the reading. As you study the sonnets, ask different family members to read the sonnets aloud and compare the distinctions.

What words do we enunciate? Do we cringe when we read "reeks," in Sonnet 130, with our modern minds?

Snagging ourselves on some words that seem ill-fitting is natural, but remember Shakespeare's careful choice of words instead of flying through them. Look up tricky words in the online etymology dictionary (

As a fun treat, listen to this video together. It is a dual reading of Sonnet 130 by Daniel Radcliffe, young star of Harry Potter, and Alan Rickman, accomplished actor. Despite it being the same words spoken, both Radcliffe and Rickman enunciate certain words. Compare and contrast these readings to each other and with your own!

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